Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What are you "Lichen" these days?

  1. Ask an adult for permission to work on this project.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Best option if you can: Get outside for a walk. Try to spot some lichen in your yard or neighborhood. You can find it growing on trees, rock walls, and even the sidewalk. Another option: Google search Lichen then click on Images.
  4. Use your lichen image for inspiration for an art project. Here is a silly drawing I did yesterday and the image I used for reference.
  1. When you are all done, feel free to share your work, or your lichen photo with me at
  2. Wash your hands.

Here are a couple things I’m “lichen” these days:
  • Mrs. Moffat arranging the Morning Announcements so we can all feel connected with our school.
  • Seeing all the color wheels you have created from the Color Wheel Challenge. You guys are SO creative! Keep the images coming. 
  • Finding time to sit quietly with my sketchbook and draw.
  • Listening to my fellow teachers read stories to me. If you haven’t had a chance to hear some of the stories, check out the link. 

What are you “lichen” these days? Leave a comment below, or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Color Wheel Challenge!

  1. Ask an adult for permission to work on this challenge.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Create a color wheel that shows all three primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and all three secondary colors (purple, green, orange) arranged in the correct order. The colors should be represented by items found in and around your house. You do not need art supplies for this project! 
  4. Be creative in your selections. Feel free to add intermediate/tertiary colors in between (yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, yellow-green). 
  5. Take a photo of your color wheel and email it to me at:
  6. All work will be displayed on a bulletin board when we return.
  7. Raffle: By emailing a photo you will be entered into a raffle for art supplies/riverstones!
  8. Good Luck!
  9. Wash your hands.

Be sure to check back here regularly for other mini art projects, challenges, and fun art stuff!