Second Grade

Grade two Art students continue exploring and increasing mastery of materials used last year while deepening their understanding of art concepts, including mood, symmetry and especially pattern.  2- and 3-dimensional work is included in the curriculum, which also integrates two second grade Social Studies units as a means of discovering the methods of expression in other cultures.

JB yarn weaving

watercolor and pen pumpkin patch painting

mixed media pattern painting

Grade two students will
  • Use clay to create both sculptural and pottery pieces.
  • Use line to depict direction and mood.
  • Identify colors as warm or cool.
  • Create pattern with line, color, shape and repetition.
  • Become familiar with the over/under pattern.
  • Study and incorporate the designs and methods of Native American and Mexican cultures.
  • Create observational drawings by carefully looking at and noticing objects.
  • View and discuss the work of artists and craftspeople whose products exemplify the themes and concepts being studied.


  1. Which one are we supposed to do?

    1. All of the Weekly Lessons are posted on the HOME page. This grade level tab is to give parents an overview of content.
      Go to the HOME tab and scroll down into the blog posts. All weekly lessons are labeled "Art At Home." Hope this helps!

  2. All of the Weekly Lessons are posted on the HOME page. This grade level tab is to give parents an overview of content.
    Go to the HOME tab and scroll down into the blog posts. All weekly lessons are labeled "Art At Home."
